Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

Payung Jepang Transparan...

Payung impor dari jepang, bahan tebal, tangkainya mantabs dah "sok atuch yang berminat bisa hubungi melalui sms/telp" .....dengan model yang bermacam macam, silahkan diperhatikan terlebih dahulu gambar payung dibawah ini......
berminat....langsung hubungi melalui sms/telp....stok terbatas....
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1. Payung Transparan Polkadot Biru
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2. Payung Polkadot biru
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3. Payung Polkadot pink
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4. Payung Transparan Bening 2
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5. Payung Polkadot hitam
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6. Payung Polkadot kuning
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7. Payung Polkadot orange
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8.Payung Transparan Blester Biru
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9.Payung Transparan Blester Hijau
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Harga: Rp 38,000

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